Top Dance Floor Moments


As we have all been in isolation for a week because of this bloody Coronavirus I thought I would share some of my favourite dance floor moments – mainly in excitement for how big a party it will be when this is all over. I for one am going to go straight to my local pub and drinking as much real ale as I possibly can whilst eating sweet chilli nuts and ordering some chicken wings.

At this time at a wedding, people are normally pissed up, loving life and celebrating for the couple who have tied the knot. For me weddings are a celebration and it is important to allow couples actually celebrate their wedding day, so I don’t stop you, I don’t pose you. In fact pretty much the only time I want you to look at the camera is whilst we are doing the 8-10 group photos and a couple of times whilst we do portraits. That’s it – the rest just carry on, be with your friends & family and have the best day. No awkwardness, no silly poses, no running towards the camera, no skipping down the path and no say cheese moments. – Cringe!!

So I thought I would share my dance floor moments and hope you’re as excited as I am for the massive piss up that is likely to follow and think we should have a national holiday in gratitude to the wonderful key workers we have in society today.

It has been quite hard to pick my favourites because there has been so many great moments. From massive confetti canons to crying fathers my weddings have had it all. So in no particular order –  here they are:

Favourite Dance floor photos 001

dad crying during dancing
Favourite Dance floor photos 002
Favourite Dance floor photos 004
Favourite Dance floor photos 006

Favourite Dance floor photos 007
Favourite Dance floor photos 003
Favourite Dance floor photos 014
Favourite Dance floor photos 011
Favourite Dance floor photos 013
Favourite Dance floor photos 027
Bashall Barn Wedding 042
Bride on the dance floor at Eaves Hall
Female guest dancing pulling a face


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