Rainford Scarecrow Competition 2020


In these times where we find ourselves allowed out for one hour a day and all the children & young people of the village are confused at why they can’t see their friends, grandparents or aunties & uncles it has been so good to see Rainford’s community spirit come alive with this scarecrow competition. It has been brilliant fun walking around the village looking for them all in everyone’s gardens. I am sorry if I have missed you out, I have tried to find them all! Lynsey from Rainford Community Watch on Facebook came up with the idea and it all went from there! She has collected a total of 22 eggs and says

“I just thought it would be a nice idea as other villages do it and as a farming community it fits quite well, it also

gives people something to do as a family by using stuff around the house and it has brightened up people’s 1 hour exercise when out walking”

Easter eggs for young people thanks to Tesco Prescot 

This scarecrow competition came around from a brief conversation and all of a sudden a poster was made and people were donating Easter eggs. With 22 eggs being donated by the community, Tesco Prescot came to the rescue with 108 Easter eggs so everyone that entered managed to get an egg. Thank you so much Tesco and Wendy who lives in the village and works at Tesco for this generous donation. The feedback from the community has been amazing.

NEW Rainford SCARECROW 2020 17NEW Rainford SCARECROW 2020 18A yearly tradition to thank our NHS

And so just like that an idea is born – so now every Easter it would be fantastic for the village to come together and enter the scarecrow competition. A bit of a lasting legacy of remembering these incredible strange and surreal times due to Coronavirus.

Thank you to the NHS & Key workers

It has been apparent from walking around the village the incredible show of appreciation for our NHS. I have easily spotted well over 200 rainbows around the village and various

signs and shows of appreciation. When all this is over – we simply can not forget what the NHS has done for us. It has been a pleasure walking around taking photos and if anyone else has anything going on in the village and wants something photographed then please let me know.

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